WeWriWa 06/30/19


Check out the WeWriWa page for authors sharing their work.  It’s fun!


OK, I’m here.  Things are still as unsettled as before.  It’s neither good news or bad, it just is.  Two notes about that – 1.) Now I remember why I don’t eat breakfast.  It messes my system up for days.  2.)  I-25 south of Albuquerque?  You go up the hill, you go down the hill.  You go up the hill, you go down the hill.  Repeat about 90 times until you get to Las Cruces.  Also, it’s 100 degrees out.

This is a new snippet, something I’m playing with right now.  When the next (yes, next) Wildblood book comes out, I want it to be a standalone.  It will take a bit more planning on my part, but I don’t mind.

Here, Shannon is waking from a self-induced coma.  I won’t spoil the trilogy, but this book will examine relationships hinted at and skimmed over previously, personal ones and public things.  Please forgive my interesting punctuation.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Being exhausted and weak, she couldn’t hold on to the memory. As it faded, she remembered the gunfire, and felt wounds; some hers, some not, some old, some fresh; it was a relief, to wake from it.

Faint light from an oil lamp illuminated part of the room and a lone figure sat waiting, immersed in the pages of an old book. “Awake now?” he inquired quietly. Damon Green, colleague, friend, and more, he was one of the few people she trusted.

Yeah, now,” Shan agreed, not recognizing the room, “What day is it?”


She considered it, knowing Saturday afternoon was the last clear memory she had, “Ranchlands?”

You don’t think I’d let them keep you in The Vista unless it was an absolute emergency, do you?” he asked, setting the book aside. The Ranchlands was his home, a centuries-old sovereign Siksika Nation, the Blackfoot nation that had existed long before, and now after, what had been the United States.

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The Wildblood Trilogy is complete, and you can find it by clicking on the graphic, or at other retailers by following the links on my website.



The next couple of weeks are going to be extremely stressful here, for a number of reasons.  I hope to get some writing done, but there’s no knowing.  What I do know is, I’m not going to be very good company, online or in Real Life.  I should be back the first week of July.  In the meantime, any good thoughts/vibes/prayers you can send my way would be greatly appreciate.

WeWriWa 06/09/19

Another Saturday night, another post.  Writing is progressing, although there are three projects bouncing around.  I’m still pushing for Tau Scorpii to be the next release, and currently, it’s in the lead.

Check out WeWriWa & Snippet Sunday if you like reading these intriguing bits of works in progress.  I’ve discovered so fantastic authors here.  My Kindle is happy.


It’s already crazy hot here in the desert, and we’ve had two haboobs in two weeks.  I hope that’s not a pattern.  I like to be able to breathe.  “Move to the desert”, they said.  “It’ll be soooo nice in the winter.”  Right.  We will not discuss June, July & August.

No wonder I’m writing a book about being trapped in the desert, and trying to find a way out.  Luckily for me, the Rocky Mountains are 30 minutes away.  I need a vacation.  Maybe I’ll get one this year.  Wish me luck, good luck,  I’m going to need it the next few weeks.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Summary – Tau Scorpii

  When Taryn rescues another human from a marauding band of Caerule, she is reunited with clansmen from her past. It puts her at odds with their new chieftan, as well as her own partner, a powerful privateer. They discover, there are more imminent problems, ones they cannot control, and must unite to survive. Easier said than done, when each of them are strong-willed, intense, and have their own plans to set in motion.

  Sedna is home to hundreds predatory alien species. Humans are one of them. They’ve been there long enough to adapt, but not so long that all of them have forgotten, it’s not their world. The weather is changing. Humans are no longer at the top of the food chain.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Garrett and Ianto are discussing their current dilemma, that the hierarchy of their clan is splintering and a newcomer is making the division happen faster, intentionally or not.  While they are concerned, they also find it amusing, that Skye, a devout bachelor, is firmly confused, frustrated, and intimidated by the situation.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

You aren’t worried about Taryn?” Garrett had to ask, he’d been wanting to for days.

I’m worried because it’s Taryn,” Ianto said.

She’s as capable as any of my warriors, including you, and including him.”

I have no doubt, I’m still surprised by the fact of who she is. Skye has always blamed himself for what happened, even if it’s baseless.”

Guilt has no reason to it.”

He might overcompensate for it, now – infatuated, interested, it’s there, we’ve both seen it, and it looks mutual.”

It does, and if it is, they’ll figure it out, so what’s your worry?”

You, and him, are plotting to replace me, with her,” Ianto kept a straight face a few moments, before riding off towards the caravan.

She’s a damned sight better to stare at all day, it can be arranged,” Garrett called after him.

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Alrighty then.  The books in The Wildblood trilogy are on sale for 99c each until sometime Monday, Amazon only, sorry.


06/02/19 WeWriWa

So this week, something completely different!  No, no, that’s Monty Python.  I wish I could write comedy, but here I am, jotting down Notes About the End of the World.  That would actually be a great title.  I bet someone else has already used it.  Anyway.  Check out the fabulous authors sharing their snippets at WeWriWa & Snippet Sunday.


Summary – Tau Scorpii

  When Taryn rescues another human from a marauding band of Caerule, she is reunited with clansmen from her past. It puts her at odds with their new chieftan, as well as her own partner, a powerful privateer. They discover, there are more imminent problems, ones they cannot control, and must unite to survive. Easier said than done, when each of them are strong-willed, intense, and have their own plans to set in motion.

  Sedna is home to hundreds predatory alien species. Humans are one of them. They’ve been there long enough to adapt, but not so long that all of them have forgotten, it’s not their world. The weather is changing. Humans are no longer at the top of the food chain. 

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Here we have Garrett and Skye in yet another argument.  It seems to be a pattern, and now their clash of wills has intensified because of Taryn, and what she claims to know.  Things aren’t going to get easier.  Asher has a plan, and every person involved is independent, stubborn, and smart.  Working together won’t be easy.  It could be deadly.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

If you think you can do better on your own, you’re free to try,” Garrett challenged, as soon as they were a distance down the road from the inn, out of earshot, next to an open field where a few cattle grazed, unconcerned. “Or take charge, and go look at the damned plateau. Either way, figure it out because someone is going out there after star-rise.”

You know what happens, when I lead a war party.”

This isn’t a war party. One time, Skye, you lost one battle – how many have you had, since then?

It was enough.” He paced the dirt road, wondering briefly if he should go to Argent, to Seafront, to any of the tiny villages where he could make a decent living keeping wild animals out of the livestock pens, or scaring off the dirt poor bandits that lived on the edge of the desert.

You’re not going to find anything up there.”

I think you’re wrong. I think you don’t want me to find anything out-of-the-ordinary.”

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

And they’re off.  Way off, but that’s just a teaser.

The Wildblood Trilogy One will be available as a boxset, sometimes this summer.  Right now, each book is only 99c at Amazon.  If you enjoy post-apocalyptic, action-adventure, that’s what they are.   Follow the links!  Have a beautiful week.


The Vista

