Notes on Book 3

So I’m finally underway on this one. It took some time because I’ve been trying to sugarcoat my characters. The simple fact is, they’re going to do things that are questionable. Even the protagonists. With that in mind, I’m getting some words down. I’m also making a lot of notes for myself that I’ll need later. I thought I’d share.

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“Don’t trust that the things you see or hear are the absolute truth, not now, not until all three of us are in The Vista together, telling you.”

(Wade, to Taylor 1, opening of Renegades) This did NOT happen at the end of the book.

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Renegades: Book 2 of The Wildblood

Uncontrollable. Unpredictable. Dangerous. The Wildblood.
Now, Team Three know what they are.


Renegades: Book 2 of The Wildblood takes up with Team Three out among clans of the Altered, and cities where civilization has held ground. Their efforts to establish The Vista’s domain create unique conflicts and forge unexpected allies. One of the most pressing obstacle turns out to be their own governing council, a threat as real and dangerous as the nomads of the outlands.


Find The Vista: Book 1 of The Wildblood, and all my books, in eBook formats and paperback here –



The Wildblood Series

No one remembers what started the war, the big one. It happened too fast, and there were too many lies, for the truth to be known. Civilization stopped, and what came next was fueled by rage and fear.
Twenty years on, a tiny refuge, a place called The Vista, may be one of the last vestiges of humanity. Isolated, guarded, and hiding a dark secret, the people have survived World War Last, and they are content with that. Their children, however, are not. The search for others will send them out into a world they know nothing about, where the line between enemy and ally is blurred


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